What is Care Labels in Textiles

What is Care Labels in Textiles?

Date Time: January 13, 2025
Reading volume: 126
Author: China LIJIE

What is Care Labels in Textiles

Care labels refer to tags or labels that are securely attached to textile products and provide commonly used washing and care information. These labels remain clear and legible throughout the product's lifespan. To provide consumers with accurate product care information, the FTC has established regulations under 16 CFR Part 423 (Care Labeling of Textile Wearing Apparel and Certain Piece Goods). According to this regulation:  

- Domestic manufacturers in the U.S. must attach care instructions before products are sold.  

- Importers must ensure care instructions are attached to imported goods before they are sold in the U.S., though not necessarily upon entry into the U.S.  


What is Care Labels in Textiles

Scope of Application  

This regulation applies to all textile products that cover or protect the body, including socks, but does not include shoes, gloves, hats, or other textiles specifically protecting the head or hands.  


Expression of Care Information on Labels  

(1) Terminology  

Appropriate terminology may be used on care labels or instructions as long as it clearly and accurately describes routine maintenance procedures and complies with this regulation. Specific terms can be referenced in ASTM D 3136 ("Standard Terminology for Care Instructions on Textile, Apparel, Home Furnishing, and Leather Products").  


(2) Symbols  

Care symbols for textiles use simple, easy-to-understand graphics to describe maintenance instructions, reducing reliance on text. Buyers can understand the maintenance method by interpreting the symbols. Specific symbols can be referenced in ASTM D 5489 ("Guide to Care Symbols for Textiles").  


(3) Combination of Terminology and Symbols  

The combination of appropriate symbols with appropriate terminology can be used on care labels or instructions as long as it complies with the regulations.  


(4) Key Considerations:  

- Care text and/or icons must follow this sequence: washing, bleaching, drying, ironing, and dry cleaning.  

- Washing labels must include at least four icons: washing, bleaching, drying, and ironing. Dry-cleaning labels should include one dry-cleaning icon. If certain dry-cleaning solvents are not suitable, they must be specified.  

- Prohibited actions must be indicated with a "×" over the corresponding symbol.  

- Additional text or warnings should be placed below the symbols in the usual care order.  

- Situations where care labels are not required:  

  - Reversible garments without pockets can omit permanent care labels, but care instructions must be displayed on hang tags.  

  - If no irreversible damage results from any harsh washing, bleaching, drying, ironing, or dry-cleaning method.  

  - Clothing products purchased by companies or public institutions for their own use.  

  - Custom clothing made from customer-supplied fabrics.  


Conflicts with Flammability Regulations  

If this regulation conflicts with any regulations under the Flammable Fabrics Act, the flammability regulation takes precedence.  


If you need to purchase textile care labels, please contact LIJIE Factory. We offer wholesale garment care labels at low prices and support customization.  

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